Greg Hutchings is an expert in new product development and organizational improvement, including product management, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Lean thinking, and Innovation Games®. He is the founder of Amelior Services, founded in 2015, and focused on agility and innovation.
Greg trains and coaches teams and leaders in multiple industries on their agile transformations and organizational designs. In recent years he has focused on Mobility and FinTech firms who are creating disruptive technology and products, including Flixbus, PayU, BMW and Mercedes Benz. These engagements have included radical reorganization and changes in the roles of leadership (and teams).
His diverse experience provides clients alternative perspectives for introducing change and focusing on what is most important to improve first, avoiding a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach, and beginning with understandings his clients’ strengths, weaknesses and ambitions.
Greg helps teams and organizations to lead change with an emphasis on improving organizational design, strategy, and leadership skills, as well as product management and development capability.