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Andrea Provaglio

Agile Executive Coach

Andrea Provaglio is an independent professional in the field of Information Technology, with over twenty years of working experience in three different continents. Andrea aids executives, managers, leaders, and teams in large organizations, as well as in small companies, to move de facto into the 21st century and improve their business capability, by adopting modern approaches to value generation and to teamwork.

He is assisting executives, leaders, and managers, who appreciate the business advantage of effective knowledge work, to evolve their company and teams into healthier, more modern organizational and cultural models.

Andrea’s clients come from many different domains, which can range from large organizations such as the European Commission in Brussels, or large multinational banks, to small and dynamic IT companies.
One of his main areas of interest and expertise is business agility and adaptive organizations. As part of Andrea’s regular activities, he enjoys sharing what he knows by speaking at major international conferences.